Money Talk: Newlyweds wonder if it’s the time to buy a home

Dear Liz: My husband and I are newlyweds and looking into purchasing a home. However, many homes in our area sell for $50,000 and more over the asking prices, which already are pretty high. We have stable jobs, but our dilemma is whether we should go into the market now or continue to save and wait a year or two.

Answer: The best time to buy a home is when you can afford to do so. It’s hard to time any market, but that’s especially true for real estate. If you put off buying a home hoping for a correction, you could be waiting a long time.

The supply of houses for sale is low in many areas. Often homeowners are reluctant to sell, even if they want to trade up, downsize or move, because they don’t want to give up their low-rate mortgages. A drop in mortgage rates likely will induce more people to put their homes on the market, but also could increase competition as buyers get access to more affordable loans.

Also, many homes for sale in tight markets are deliberately underpriced. Sellers hope to spark a frenzy of offers over asking price. You’d be smart to get clear on how much you can afford to pay — consider consulting a fee-only financial planner — and to enlist the services of a good real estate agent who understands your local market.

More credit score drama over a missed payment

Dear Liz: You responded to a woman who was concerned that a missed payment had hurt her credit score. My situation is also about a missed payment. In fall 2018, I received a dunning letter from a bill collector. I did a ton of research because I never received the bill that ruined my previously stellar credit rating (840). My rating sank by 200 points even after the retailer involved acknowledged that I never received the bills. Their office showed all the bills, although addressed correctly, were returned as undeliverable. The executive with whom I had lots of interaction wrote all the bureaus explaining the error was the retailer’s. The credit bureaus did nothing to restore my credit rating. It has been six years and I continue to pay in full on time as I had for the 45 years before 2018. My payment behavior has done little to improve my low score. Maybe 2025 will bring relief, as that will be seven years since the collection letter.

Answer: Your situation offers the opportunity to clarify a few things that confuse many consumers.

The first and most important: We are responsible for paying our credit card bills whether we receive those bills or not. Mail goes astray, emails wind up in junk folders, but if there’s a balance on our credit cards we’re supposed to pay at least the minimum when the due date rolls around. As mentioned in the previous column, setting up automatic payments can prevent missed payments. At a minimum, you should mark your calendar with your cards’ due dates and submit your payments, preferably electronically, in time to avoid late fees. Having online access to your credit accounts can help you track balances, and you can set up email or text alerts to remind you to pay.

Next, the executive you talked to either didn’t understand the credit reporting system or wasn’t entirely frank with you. The credit bureaus’ files reflect what creditors tell them. It’s a dynamic system, with information constantly being updated. If the retailer agreed that the late payments shouldn’t be reported, then it should have stopped reporting the erroneous information. Instead of corresponding with the bureaus, the executive should have been talking to the retailer’s finance arm.

If the executive provided you with a copy of the letter sent to the bureaus, however, you can use that to correct the record. Dispute the late payments with the bureaus and use the letter to back up your claim.

By now, your scores should have regained most of the ground lost to this unfortunate incident. If that’s not the case, something else is wrong with your credit reports. You should request free copies of your reports from and scrutinize them closely. (If you’re asked for a credit card, you’re on the wrong site.)

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