Want to see “sanctity of marriage”? Get to know a same-sex couple

To the editor: I’m one of five siblings. Between three siblings, there were 11 marriages and 13 divorces, I think — I lost track. (“As conservatives target same-sex marriage, its power is only getting clearer,” Opinion, June 25)

When my wife and I had been together for eight years, I made a very funny video of all the divorces and marriages, and how my mom would change all the pictures on the wall every time there was someone new added to the family.

But she knew she would never have to change the picture of my wife and me. We were together for 33 years — legally married for nine — until she died of cancer last April.

I always became furious when someone on the religious right would throw the phrase “the sanctity of marriage,” because I think straight people just take it for granted. I think the LGBTQ+ community cherishes marriage, because they know how important it is to their rights and how easy it would be to lose them.

Denise McCanles, West Hollywood

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