If L.A. is just fine, why is Metro in a safety crisis?

To the editor: I wonder if columnist Lorraine Ali feels that The Times is making up stories about the recent killing on the Los Angeles Metro, along with other stabbings and attacks. (“Go ahead, MAGA influencers: Trash L.A. for likes. We’ll always beat you at the fame game,” column, June 19)

People in my neighborhood, Koreatown, are terrified and tired of being robbed and attacked. In order to buy toothpaste or anything else at CVS, I have to ask a clerk to unlock the merchandise — because certain offenders aren’t locked up instead.

Tamara Blustein, Los Angeles


To the editor: Thanks to Ali for speaking the facts regarding Los Angeles.

Fox News, which paints this area as exceedingly dangerous, is only good for one purpose: misinformation. The sad part is there are people out there who now believe L.A., SoCal and San Francisco are some type of hell holes because of these hateful lies.

I have been to so-called conservative states and felt more vulnerable to violence there than anywhere in California.

Thankfully we live in a state built on diversity and acceptance. Please keep speaking the truth: California is beautiful, and we have our problems, but so does everyone else.

Hector Hernandez, San Clemente


To the editor: Ali’s column about conservative commentator Tomi Lahren and her noisy rants about the evils of Los Angeles and California only further elevated to greater prominence an individual who has fed at the murky trough of Republican Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.), Lauren Boebert (Colo.) and their ilk.

Certainly Ali and The Times can find better things and people to write about.

Bill Waxman, Simi Valley

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